French Bulldogs, like all breeds of dogs, have their own distinct traits and characteristics that are common across the breed.
Some of the most positive traits and characteristics that make up many of the reasons for this breed’s popularity include their affectionate nature, adaptability, and fun-loving and goofy personalities.
However, like all dog breeds, they also have their downsides. While you’ve likely heard only the positives about this adorable breed, here we’ll discuss some of the downsides to this breed.
Why Are French Bulldogs the Worst?
French Bulldogs are the worst because of their potential health risks, their high maintenance requirements, their tendency to suffer from separation anxiety, and their potential for loud snoring and breathing issues.
They Fart a Lot
To get right into it, the first downside of French Bulldogs is simply that they fart a lot, and they aren’t shy about it!
While a good toot, every once in a while, is normal for dogs and people alike, too much gassiness can also indicate gastrointestinal problems. Not to mention the smell!
French Bulldogs have sensitive stomachs, so things like changing their diet too quickly or eating something they shouldn’t have can upset their stomachs.
Usually, this kind of occasional farting is nothing to worry about, but monitoring your dog and ensuring that they are still pooping and eating normally is important.
Significant Health Concerns
French Bulldogs can be prone to certain conditions and health concerns like many dog breeds. However, French Bulldogs seem susceptible to more health problems than most dogs.
Frenchie’s biggest health problem is their ability (or lack thereof) to breathe properly. Because of their squished faces, Frenchies all suffer from some degree of Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome.
This breed has a short snout, a long palate, and narrow nostrils, all of which can make breathing difficult.
Other common French Bulldog health concerns include:
- Eyes problems like cherry eyes
- Patella luxation
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Breathing issues like reverse sneezing
- Hip dysplasia
- Skin concerns like pyoderma or dermatitis
Expensive Breeders and Vet Bills
French Bulldogs are quite expensive because of their popularity in recent years and the complex nature of breeding these dogs.
Most people can expect to pay anywhere from $1,500 up to $5,000 or even more for a French Bulldog puppy. Some Frenchies can cost as much as $100,000.
These dogs do have a higher likelihood of developing various health concerns. As a result, they need more frequent veterinary care for prevention as well as veterinary care to address any specific health concerns, both of which can quickly add up.
Prone to Separation Anxiety
As loveable and friendly as these dogs are, they also hate being alone. Most want to be by your side 24/7 and stick to you like glue.
If left alone, these dogs can easily become quite distressed and can display symptoms of separation anxiety like barking and howling, urinating or defecating in the house, pacing, excessive drooling, and more.
They also may show their distress by digging or scratching at doors, chewing on pillows and furniture, and just overall being destructive.
It will be important to work on kennel training and teaching these pups that it is okay for them to be alone!
Stubborn & Hardheaded
While Frenchies are very smart dogs, they can be equally stubborn and hardheaded.
For example, if they want to be done with a walk, they will likely just plop down on the ground rather than try to turn around and walk the other way!
They are also notorious for begging and will make a fuss if not given attention, treats, or even your own snack in a timely manner.
Keep training sessions short to avoid frustration for both you and your dog, and you will have much greater chances of success!
Sensitive to Hot and Cold
Partly because they are brachycephalic, French Bulldogs are especially sensitive to cold and heat, which can both cause breathing to become a bit more difficult.
While dogs that aren’t brachycephalic can handle these changes, French Bulldogs also don’t tolerate them.
They also have very short coats that allow heat to easily escape from their bodies in cold weather.
It will be important to not exercise Frenchies too heavily during the hottest parts of the day to prevent heatstroke. Also, be sure to properly bundle them up for cold weather.
For more details, you can refer to your guide on how to cool down your Frenchie to stop overheating.
While French Bulldogs certainly don’t shed as much as other breeds, they do still shed a little. The amount of shedding can vary greatly among different dogs.
Some shed just slightly throughout the entire year, while others might seem like they are shedding their entire coat during the spring and summer months!
Thankfully, their shedding fur is quite short and won’t leave dust bunnies all over your house.
But it will still be important to brush your Frenchie frequently to keep its coat in good condition and to reduce shedding. A soft bristle or rubber curry brush will typically work great for French Bulldogs.
They Talk a Lot
While for some people, this can be one of the best parts of the breed, for others, it might be the worst! French Bulldogs are noisy pups.
Most like to think of themselves as watchdogs and bark at strangers and anyone approaching the house until they know if they will get a pet or not.
They also bark, howl, and make vocalizations when they don’t get their way with something. For some, these vocalizations add to their charm; for others, it can become a nuisance.
Not at All Good at Swimming
If you find yourself frequently out on the water or at the beach, investing in a good doggie life jacket for your French Bulldog will be important.
Frenchies are not built for swimming by any means and will need help to stay afloat. This is largely due to their heavy and compact body structure.
They also have quite a bit of muscle in such little bodies, which also adds to their inability to float well. Their short legs, squished faces, and short snout all make it especially difficult for this breed to swim.
Irresponsible Breeding
Because of their popularity, many so-called breeders try to breed these dogs, but not for the right reasons. Many people out there seem to think they can make a quick buck from breeding a French Bulldog.
Unfortunately, this results in a lot of poorly bred French Bulldogs. While finding an ethical French Bulldog breeder can be difficult, it is incredibly important to take the time to do so. This is to ensure only ethical breeders are being supported.
French Bulldogs are notorious for snoring, and for snoring loudly at that! Because of their brachycephalic facial structure, they are more prone to snoring than other breeds.
Because of their flat faces and narrow nostrils, it is difficult for air to move freely into and out of their bodies, which can result in difficulty breathing as well as an increased likelihood of snoring.
Some Frenchies may snore only a little, but others might keep you up at night! Frenchies are also notorious for making wheezing, grunting, and snorting sounds, even when they are awake!
But there are a few tips to reduce your French Bulldog snoring so you can sleep peacefully at night.
High Maintenance
Though they may not look it, French Bulldogs are certainly a high-maintenance breed. They require lots of attention and plenty of quality time with their families.
French Bulldogs are also prone to several health issues, which makes them one of the most high-maintenance dogs.
They also require frequent grooming, like brushing, to reduce shedding, but they also need to frequently have the area around their eyes wiped and cleaned thoroughly to avoid build-up.
Difficult to Potty Train
As mentioned earlier, French Bulldogs are quite smart dogs, but they can also be fairly stubborn and naughty when they want to be.
These traits can make potty training French Bulldog puppies a rather difficult task. While it may take them a little longer than most to catch on, they do, thankfully, eventually learn the ropes of potty training.
Do your best to remain patient and to set your puppy up for success by scheduling consistent potty breaks and rewarding them when they succeed.
Unfortunately, some French Bulldogs are prone to drooling. They have very short and wide snouts and prognathism of the jaw, which means that the lower jaw juts out further than the upper jaw, with folds of skin covering their lips. All of these factors make them prone to drooling.
Prone to Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Bulldogs seem to be more prone to food allergies than many other breeds. Some of the most common ingredients that French Bulldogs can become allergic to are dairy products, beef, chicken, soy, and corn.
Signs of food allergies in French Bulldogs include itchy, red skin, obsessive licking, bald patches, biting of the paws, and even vomiting and diarrhea.
Wrap-Up: Why French Bulldogs Are the Worst
While French Bulldogs are undeniably cute and charismatic dogs, they come with some downsides in addition to all the positives.
Some of the downsides include susceptibility to health problems, snoring, and being a little high maintenance.
That being said, though, while it might seem like French Bulldogs are the worst for some people, they make wonderful pets for the right people!
I agree with drooling, snoring, big eaters, chatting, stubborn, talkative, and an all round monkey, but you love em for it, cheers.
D M.