Dogs are highly intuitive creatures. They tend to be especially intuitive about their owners since they spend so much time with us!
When we go through or experience some sort of change, they may notice it and even change their behavior because of it.
Have you ever found yourself asking questions like, “Why is it that my dog acts weird when I’m on my period?” Well, it may just be that your dog is sensing a change!
For example, when women are on their period or getting their periods, their bodies are going through a change. Many times, dogs can sense this thanks to their powerful sense of smell and their intuitiveness.
And sometimes, dogs can display some odd behaviors when they notice these changes. This guide will explain why your dog acts weird when you’re on your period and what you can do about his odd behaviors.
It All Comes Down to Your Dog’s Sense of Smell
But first, let’s talk a little more about our dog’s powerful sense of smell.
Dogs are known to have over 300 million receptors for scent. Humans only have about 6 million receptors.
So in that sense, dogs’ sense of smell is about 50 times more powerful than humans! This is why many dogs have been used for their heightened sense of smell.
For example, some dogs are trained to detect bombs or drugs. And others have even been known to detect cancer.
They are also used frequently for hunting as well as working with law enforcement to help track down criminals. Some even find work as search and rescue dogs in areas where a disaster may have occurred.
So, don’t worry when your dog is sniffing you up and down and giving you a funny look. You don’t actually stink – at least not to humans, anyways!
It’s just that dogs can pick up on even the slightest change in scent, which undoubtedly does happen when women are on their period.
In some cases, it may be that the dog is smelling menstrual blood. And other times, they may be noticing a change in just the way her sweat smells.
Some dogs may be more prone to noticing such changes than others. For example, scent hounds like Bloodhounds and Coonhounds are often more in tune with their sense of smell or may even have a better sense of smell than other dog breeds.
So if it’s a change in smell that a dog is noticing, it’s likely that a scent hound would pick up on that change first.
Additionally, as silly as it may sound, bigger dogs are simply closer to the area where many scents are emitted from, as opposed to smaller dogs.
So, if a dog is pushing his nose into your front or back end, it may simply be because they are at the perfect height to take notice of any different smells.
See also: Why Does My Dog Grab My Leg?
Why Does My Dog Act Weird When I’m On My Period?
Dogs can pick up on changes in your behavior, body chemistry and scent. Hormonal changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle can affect these factors, causing a dog to react differently.
Additionally, some dogs may associate the scent of blood with hunting or prey, triggering a instinctual response.
In more recent years, scientists have begun research regarding the idea that humans might give off or secrete pheromones.
Pheromones are known to be a part of the rest of the animal kingdom. However, even though humans do have something of a vomeronasal organ like other animals, ours doesn’t function in the same way.
Because of this, we can’t sense and interpret pheromones in the same way animals do. However, that’s not to say that we don’t give off pheromones. We just may not have the senses to be able to tell.
Scientists now believe that pheromones are, in fact, present in the various bodily secretions of humans; we just can’t interpret them.
Most frequently cited is the theory that pheromones are in our sweat. So when our hormones change because of our period, so too can our body odor. And as such, our dogs can pick up on this change.
Change in your personality or attitude
Dogs don’t only pick up on changes in smell. They can also easily tell when your mood is different, like if you’re feeling down, fatigued, irritable, or just plain lousy.
They may not know exactly what is going on or how you’re feeling, or why, but you can be sure that they will take notice.
As such, some dogs will adjust their own behaviors accordingly. For example, if they sense that you are feeling down, they may act more affectionately and cuddly in an attempt to cheer you up!
Or if they sense that you are feeling irritable, they may just decide to go to another room and give you some space.
How Do Dogs Act When Their Owner Is on Their Period
There is no scientific evidence that dogs exhibit specific behaviors when a woman is on her period. However, some dogs may pick up on their owner’s changes in mood or behavior and respond accordingly.
Some dogs may become more affectionate and clingy, while others may become more distant or aloof.
These changes in behavior may be due to the dog’s perception of their owner’s emotional state, rather than their menstrual cycle itself.
Below we go into details about the behaviors your dog might exhibit when you’re on your period.
Information-seeking session
One thing your dog may do is try to do a little bit of detective work. Unfortunately for us, this can result in dogs getting a little too close for comfort. In other words, your dog may start sniffing your private regions or, for lack of a better word, your crotch.
While it is harmless, it is certainly unbecoming and can be a bit embarrassing, especially if your dog tries to do this to a guest!
But for dogs, it’s simply second nature to them. Just like they sniff each other’s bums when greeting each other, they are going to sniff our areas that smell, too.
Excessive interest
Similarly, you may notice that while your dog doesn’t typically engage in this sort of behavior, your dog may start showing excessive interest in you while you are on your period.
You can sometimes tell this by way of your dog wanting to constantly sniff you to investigate any new smells.
Other dogs may just want to be close to you at all times and always know what you are doing. For example, you may not be able to even leave the room without them following.
Some dogs feel that they need to be extra protective of their owner when they notice changes.
For example, our smells change, we can become moody or irritable, and overall, we just aren’t our normal selves.
All of these factors are things that our dogs can pick up on and sense. While they may not know exactly what is going on and what it is you are feeling, they know that something is different. Therefore, they want to keep an extra close eye on you and offer their idea of protection.
There are several ways in which they can display their protectiveness. One of the most common ways is for a dog to try to act as a guard for their person.
For example, if you are sitting on the couch and another member of the house comes into the room, your dog may get up and stand or sit in front of you.
It’s likely that they will always stick close to you so they can intercept any perceived threats right away.
Similarly, it may be that the dog is unable to relax because it feels like it has to constantly be alert and ready to protect you at a moment’s notice.
In some cases, dogs may growl at perceived threats like other family members or other pets in the household if they come too close to their person.
The dog may also bark to warn others to keep away. In more extreme cases, overprotectiveness can sometimes result in dogs biting perceived threats.
Except for the occasional case of a trained protection dog, it’s important to train your dog to know that you don’t need constant protection.
My Dog Acts Aggressive When I’m On My Period
Dogs can sense hormonal changes and mood swings that often accompany a woman’s menstrual cycle, and these changes can result in a dog becoming more aggressive.
Hormonal changes affect a woman’s mood and energy level, which can cause her to be less patient or more irritable, leading to a negative impact on her relationship with her dog.
When a dog perceives these changes, it may cause confusion and result in a decrease in affection towards their owner.
To maintain the bond, it’s important to make time for activities such as jogging, swimming, fetching, and agility training.
This will help to keep the dog’s routine unchanged and reinforce the bond between you and your canine companion.
My Dog Lay on Me When I’m on My Period
Hormonal changes that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle can cause a dog to feel more connected to its owner. This may lead to an increase in affectionate behaviors such as your dog laying on top you.
Dogs also have an innate sense of empathy, and they may be able to detect if you’re feeling uncomfortable or in pain. In such cases, the dog may offer comfort by laying on you, providing a sense of security and comfort.
This behavior is a testament to the strong bond between dogs and their owners. It is a prime example of the love and affection dogs have for their human companions.
My Dog Tries to Hump Me When I’m on My Period
There is a theory that the hormones produced during a woman’s menstrual cycle may attract dogs as they are similar to the pheromones detected in other dogs.
In general, your body releases hormones that can cause dogs to experience certain behaviors, such as feeling anxious, leading them to hump as a form of comfort seeking.
If the humping behavior is limited to when a woman is on her period, then it is likely related to these hormonal changes.
How to Stop Your Dog From Acting Weird During Your Period
Sometimes our dogs’ behaviors, while they may be perfectly normal, can still be annoying and sometimes just plain rude! Certain behaviors like protectiveness can also develop into more serious behavioral problems.
Similarly, excessive sniffing of humans may discourage friends from coming to visit. And excessively sniffing other dogs can also upset some other dogs. For dogs, there seems to be a mutually agreed upon appropriate amount of time for sniffing.
When dogs keep incessantly sniffing, the receiving dog can start to get irritated and may even lash out to get your dog to stop. That’s all to say that depending on the severity of the behavior, a certain amount of training will be necessary.
Focus on things like training your dog to sit when greeting guests or only allowing sniffing of other dogs to last for so long before introducing a new activity.
If your dog is being over-protective, try things like moving your body in front of your dog as a way of saying that you are the protector.
If your dog is showing excessive interest in you, try to offer some distraction by playing a game of fetch or getting out a delicious and smelly treat.
Final Takeaways
As much as we love them, our dogs can sometimes be oddballs. But sometimes, that can be part of what makes them so lovable!
If your dog is acting weird when you are going through fluctuations and changes, just know that they are simply reacting to those changes they are sensing and looking for answers. And if they start to become a nuisance, a little bit of training can go a long way.