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Why Do French Bulldogs Eat Grass? (+ Tips to Stop It)

Picture this: you and your Frenchie are enjoying nature outside when you notice him munching on nearby grass.

Watching your French Bulldog eat non-food items can be distressing, especially if there’s a chance that what he’s eating could make him sick.

In the article below, you’ll learn the reasons why your French Bulldog eats grass. After you learn the reasons behind the behavior, we’ll provide a few tips to help you respond appropriately when you see your Frenchie eating grass.

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Why Do French Bulldogs Eat Grass?

There are several reasons why French Bulldogs may eat grass, including improving their digestion, getting more nutrition in their diet, helping with intestinal worms, or simply liking the taste of grass.

We’ve compiled a list of seven reasons why your French Bulldog is eating grass, along with some dog body language information to help you determine which reason (or reasons) apply to your Frenchie.

  1. Instinct
  2. Boredom
  3. Anxiety
  4. Nutrient deficiency
  5. Sickness
  6. Taste
  7. Pica
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It is in your French Bulldog’s instinct

Dogs are hardwired to scavenge and hunt for their food. Since dogs are omnivores, they eat both meat and plants.

They know that they need to find food wherever they can in order to survive. Grass and other plants may be good food sources, especially if your Frenchie is hungry.

Your dog’s ancestors likely depended on grass to supplement other food. Some experts even believe that they ate grass as a way to mask their scent while hunting prey. Because they are omnivorous creatures, domesticated dogs may still have a taste for fresh grass.

If you can’t find any other reason why your French Bulldog is eating grass, their instincts may be the root cause.

Your French Bulldog is bored

Dogs often get bored easily when they aren’t given enough stimulation. If your Frenchie has ever been bored indoors, you’ve probably discovered things like chewed socks or garbage.

When left outdoors, Frenchies may resort to chewing grass as a means to pass the time.

It’s fairly easy to see if your Frenchie’s grass-eating behavior is tied to boredom. Watch your dog when he has plenty of exercise and playtime. If he stops eating grass, it’s a pretty good indication that he was only munching out of boredom.

Ensure your French Bulldog has enough toys and appropriate items to chew on, especially if he’s left attended for long periods. This will keep him from getting into something he shouldn’t.

Your French Bulldog has anxiety

Frenchies with separation anxiety may eat grass as a way to cope with their feelings. If your French Bulldog only eats grass when left alone, you might have an anxious chewer on your hands.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your Frenchie’s chewing is due to boredom or anxiety. In many cases, unattended Frenchies may chew grass for both of these reasons.

Because of this, you should make sure your French Bulldog has plenty to keep him occupied.

You should leave a personal item (like a sweater you’ve recently worn) with your Frenchie when you’re away to ease their separation anxiety.

Your French Bulldog is missing key nutrients in her diet

Some Frenchies eat grass when they’re really hungry or missing certain nutrients in their diet.

If your French Bulldog isn’t getting enough nutrient-rich food, he may turn to grass-eating to supplement the deficiency. Grass can contain vitamins, nutrients, and minerals your Frenchie needs to thrive.

If your French Bulldog is eating grass regularly, take a hard look at her diet to determine whether her needs are being met.

Some homemade meals may not have all the nutrients your Frenchie needs to thrive. So it’s important to plan your French Bulldog’s diet under the guidance of your dog’s veterinarian or pet nutritionist.

When your French Bulldog’s needs are met, he’s less likely to turn to grass to supplement her diet.

Your French Bulldog is sick

French Bulldogs may eat grass when they’re feeling unwell since eating grass can help them induce vomiting.

sick frenchie eating grass

That means grass-eating should be taken seriously, especially if your Frenchie is eating more grass and vomiting at a higher frequency. Your French Bulldog may be self-medicating an underlying problem.

Some people think that dogs eat grass as a way to purge intestinal parasites. However, much of this supposition is unsubstantiated.

If you suspect your Frenchie is using grass as a way to self-medicate, make an appointment with your dog’s veterinarian to discover the underlying causes of your French Bulldog’s behavior.

Your French Bulldog likes the taste or texture of grass

Some dogs discover that they like eating grass. Your Frenchie might like eating grass if he rushes out the door and immediately munches on nearby grass.

As long as your French Bulldog doesn’t develop stomach problems, it probably won’t hurt him to eat a little grass from time to time.

Your French Bulldog might have a form of pica

Pica is a disorder that causes your Frenchie to eat non-food items. In some cases, your Frenchie’s pica is caused by a deficiency in his diet.

However, some dogs develop pica as a way to cope with psychological distress, such as anxiety or boredom.

If your French Bulldog has pica, he likely eats other non-food items. This may include trash and household items.

If your Frenchie habitually eats non-food items, talk to his veterinarian to help uncover the root causes of his behavior.

How to Stop a French Bulldog from Eating Grass

It might be distressing when your French Bulldog eats grass for the first time. The following are a few approaches you can take the next time your Frenchie eats grass.

Let Your French Bulldog eat grass that has been untreated

Grass can be healthy for your Frenchie since it has many nutrients. In most cases, eating grass is harmless.

As long as your Frenchie is only munching on a small amount of grass that’s free of pesticides and other toxic chemicals, it’s fine to let him indulge in a little munching.

However, ensure you know the grass he’s eating is safe. When possible, supervise your Frenchie outdoors because grass can get stuck to the back of his throat and cause discomfort to your pup.

Change your French Bulldog diet to fill any nutritional gaps

If your French Bulldog is eating grass because of a nutritional deficiency, make adjustments to his diet.

In many cases, updates to your Frenchie’s diet can greatly reduce the frequency with which he eats grass. Although some Frenchies may eat grass just for fun, it’s important to rule out any dietary causes.

Use treats to dissuade your Frenchie from eating grass

You can provide treats for your French Bulldog when he doesn’t eat grass after going outside. Use treats as a supplement to training to help prevent him from eating grass.

If your Frenchie leans down to eat grass, find a way to redirect his energy or give him a verbal reminder not to eat the grass.

When he changes course, offer a treat. Over time, your pup will learn that he gets treats when he doesn’t eat grass outside.

Talk to your Frenchie’s veterinarian

If eating grass is new behavior for your French Bulldog or if his grass consumption has recently increased, talk to his veterinarian.

Increased grass eating may be a sign that your Frenchie is struggling with some underlying disease.

You should watch for other symptoms of disease, such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, blood in stool, decrease in appetite, lethargy, or lip-licking.

Contact your dog’s veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms since prompt treatment is important for your pup’s health.

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Wrap-Up: Should I be worried if my French Bulldog eats grass?

French Bulldogs often eat grass for a variety of reasons. No matter why your Frenchie is eating grass, a little grass here and there won’t hurt him.

However, grass that’s covered in pesticides may be toxic to your Frenchie. So it’s important to know how the grass is treated in areas where your Frenchie is munching.

In most cases, you should try to reduce your Frenchie’s grass-eating behavior. If there’s an underlying cause for his behavior, make sure to treat it promptly.

Filling any gaps in your French Bulldog’s nutrition may be all the change you need to curb this behavior.

Don’t be afraid to contact your Frenchie’s veterinarian for advice. If your dog begins eating grass at a higher frequency, it may be a sign that he’s fighting an underlying illness.

Your dog’s veterinarian will help rule out illness and provide helpful feedback to help you correct your French Bulldog’s behavior.

FAQs – Why Do French Bulldogs Eat Grass?

Why Do French Bulldogs Eat Grass?

The French Bulldog may eat grass for a variety of reasons, including boredom, digestive problems, or to meet nutrition needs. They may also eat grass for the sake of flavor.

Is it safe for French Bulldogs to eat grass?

In most cases, it is safe for French Bulldogs to eat grass. However, it is important to ensure that the grass is free of pesticides or harmful chemicals.

Can eating grass be a sign of a medical issue in French Bulldogs?

A French Bulldog eating grass could indicate a medical issue. If your French Bulldog is eating grass excessively or vomiting after eating grass, you should consult a veterinarian. These symptoms could indicate a gastrointestinal problem or another medical concern.

Photo of author
Lisemaine is a dog lover. She currently owns two Frenchies and enjoys working with and training them. She'll share her best tips with you to keep your Frenchie happy, healthy, and active.

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